Introducing Impact's range of sustainable brands that you can find at Who's Next from 4th to 7th September
DiscoverInterview with Judith Samama-Patte, co-founder of the brand, Fresh Body Green Mind
DiscoverImpact Talk: "It is time for a call to order, to raise awareness and take part in collective action"
DiscoverImpact Talk about ‘neo-models’ of committed collaborations
DiscoverHow can we reconcile the challenges of an industry that is inherently perishable with the new imperatives of eco-responsibility?
DiscoverOpenness, dialogue and transparency in fashion is a trend that has only grown in recent years
DiscoverIMPACT talk about the second-hand market
DiscoverThe rental market now establishes itself as an obvious route and a sustainable alternative
DiscoverFlashback to the first IMPACT Talk at the September 2019 edition
DiscoverInterview with Isabelle Lefort, founder of Paris Good Fashion